i'm restless tonight
there's an ache in my soul.
i'm tired tonight
i just don't feel quite whole.
i'm sighing tonight
like i've lost all control.
i'm unfinished tonight
like a story untold.
something's missing.
there has got to be more...
About Me

- gorrión
- I love writing. It's my therapy. I have two blogs, rooftop melodies and rooftop harmonies. The first is about my life, and the second is only poetry. I hope you enjoy reading my stuff as much as I enjoy writing it!
The sky has been crying angrily for two days now
And we are drowning in his tears.
I don't believe there are any exceptions,
but I sure wish somebody would prove me wrong.
C'mon! Show me! Yeah, that IS a challenge!
He kissed me on the shoulder once. I'll never forget that kiss. It was my favorite because in that moment I felt loved.
Read More......i'm so tired of trying
i put this black ring on my finger
cuz i'm tired of lying
around, sitting here waiting
for someone to fly in
and sweep me off my feet
this life is not a fairy tale
and it's not fair as far as I can tell
cuz it's the ones who gave me hell
who are living the life I wanted, well
the life i think i wanted
or thought, because this life is not
what i thought it would be
now is time to wake up and see
that there's no such things as
happily ever after endings
the dastardly cones who stole him from me
Every morning, as I cling to my coffee
I look for you, but you're not there.
I really miss you. I need you back. Read More......
there is no hope.
no one is happy.
why life? why me?
how much longer will it last?
everyone is lying.
alone is the only way
to travel this road.
even hand in hand
we are all alone.
i'm sorry...
you taught me how to drive on snow
and that there's no reason to rush all the time.
for that i thank you.
you were my best friend.
for that i miss you.
you broke my heart.
for that i want to forget you.
you were the first,
and for that i will never be able to.
nothing leaves my head
the noise of all my memories
is maddening, deafening
every lyric, every rhyme
"How come I'm always there for you
and you're never there for me?
How come I'm always empty?"
i see me sitting at the lunch table
"Invisible. Likeable, but not liked."
a-a-a-annnd it skips a beat
then i'm "At the end of my rope
and somebody greased it.
L-l-l-life's not fair..."
step forward then step back
and it's getting harder "to go out on a limb
to put myself up for scrutinization
and if I thought that this was hard before
I didn't know what it was like
to stand empty handed at the door
and to have no one answer me."
and and and "it would be ok now
if we both just could have cried..."
if we both just could have cried!
but i cried, alone. alone. alone-
the memories. all alone together.
but "This is my life. This is my story.
This is my song. This is my glory."
so "I tried so hard and fell so far.
In the end it doesn't even matter."
and the memories never leave
they never let go. "Just let me go
Nobody has to know.
I'm halfway gone; just let me go."
years have passed and these words
"These words are my own,
From my heart flow." they never
i hate the way it burns my throat
i hate when it comes back the most
i hate the way i swallow hard
i hate that i let down my guard
i hate my body in a pile on the floor
i hate the fact that i crawl back for more
i hate the memories it brings to mind
i hate how it won't erase the tears i've cried
i hate my head over the garbage can
i hate the fact that my legs won't stand
i hate the pain that fills my head
i hate not knowing how i got to bed
i hate the texts that i send to friends
i hate the moment that this has to end
that's why tomorrow i'll do it again
FYI: I'm not actually an alcoholic! lol
like a slap in the face
you put me in my place
got me sitting here like a kid
thinkin bout what i did
you got me to quit talking
people would say that's shocking
i just don't know what to do now
i think i've met my match!
then right after I wrote this I locked my keys in the car and myself out of the house. People putting me in my place gets me all flustered. It's just that it doesn't happen very much. Nobody tells me what to do! That's cuz I'm never out of line. Ugh. How am I gonna get my keys?
They always say, "I didn't want it to end like this." Does that mean they did want it to end?
Read More......It reminds me of a song--
One that fills my memory
So I want to sing along.
Not because I love it,
But because the melody's so strong
Memories flood my mind
And the tears fall like the rain,
As much for the joys of life
As for the scars and pain.
Those tears wash away the stains
When the rain comes pouring down. Read More......
Be more afraid to stay
When you fail to choose your path
There's only one way Read More......
"who are you?" I said to the mirror
"are you beautiful; are you lovely?
will you ever be loved?"
"who are you?" I said to that girl
"where are you going?"
and I didn't recognize her
then that girl looked at me
and, with tears in her eyes,
she replied "I don't know."
Is now lumped and grey and dirty.
Winter came with all his glory and awe
But as usual, he just stayed too long
Like the once-novel house guest
Who eventually cleans out your refrigerator,
Along with your wallet and your patience.
Winter, who in November, made his first lovely appearance
And in December, made Christmas magical,
Had the audacity to make January insufferable,
And the brazen nerve to make February unbearable.
To him I say, "That's enough!
It is time to leave our fair home!
Let ol' Punxatawny Phil see no shadow
And be gone, post haste!"
So who ever said poetry has to rhyme? I dunno, maybe this is prose, but I'm not creative enough right now to rhyme everything! I blame that on winter, too... :S Read More......
I go days without crying,